Does not replace your regular portable fire extinguisher

Firemill is intended to be used early in the course of the fire to prevent the development of a large fire. Firemill does not replace your regular portable fire extinguisher.

Best is if you are present when the fire starts, the sooner you start extinguishing the fire the better. A good way to be fast and prevent an unmanageable situation is to practice with your extinguisher. The great thing about Firemill is that it is so cheap to refill and does not pollute at all. Therefore you can actually practice with Firemill, even at home in the kitchen.

Safety first

Make sure to always read the manuals before use.
All information on Firemill official website:

This is how Firemill has been tested

Firemill is intended to be used early into a situation when a fire erupts, in order to prevent a larger flame to develop. Therefore, its primary use is very early when the fire is still small. However we have conducted tests to check the limits for the capacity of Firemill. 

Since Firemill does not meet the criteria for a conventional fire extinguisher, we have developed our own testing criteria for a capacity that we have later on tested and evaluated. The criteria is inspired by the European standard SS EN3 class A, B and F. However we used lesser liquid surface and flammable materia than the minimum standardized test-fires when we tested our product.

Capacity tests have been planned and conducted with consultation from and under supervision of DNV ( Det Norske Veritas) which is one of the world’s leading certification organisation. Some of our films showing our capacity tests and some created fire situations can be seen below. You can read Firemills test report and more here.

Watch Firemill test films